What’s in a Name?
Naming our teardrop was a must for us. We especially liked three or four names, but settled on “Endeavor.” It seemed to fit our journey. Webster’s meaning for the word is “to strive to achieve or reach.” From the Thesaurus, “an effort to do or accomplish something.” Related words are striving, struggle, throes, undertaking, trial and error.
The name certainly describes the challenge and effort that goes with teardrop camping, at least for us being new campers at our age. It’s not like sitting comfortably in a spacious motorhome. Ours is a much more hands-on, outside with nature form of RV camping. It requires us to work together and compromise far more than we must do when at home. It has gotten easier over time, but as we travel to more far away places and on longer trips, we will still need to endeavor.
My husband also liked the name because it sounds like a Trekkie name for a starship. When you think of how our little cabin is our means to visit so many far away places, it fits.
A friend of ours owns Stripe King, a local company that does graphics for police and fire vehicles, RVs, and boats. We purchased our graphic from him and really like how it turned out.
You may have noticed that we do not have the @ in our teardrop’s name like you see on most T@Gs. I wanted it, but my husband wanted just the regular letters. As he has compromised so much for me, I had to let him have that one.
We are looking forward to a trip to camping with Endeavor.
Happy camping!
Naming Update
After 2 1/2 fabulous years in our T@G, we sold it and purchased a nüCamp T@B 400. Our reasons are outlined in my post, Replacing Our Tiny Camper, A Big Step .
In memory and because the name really fits our particular brand of camping, we named our new camper Ende@vor II. We love this camper just like we loved the T@G.
We obtained the lettering for the 400 at DIY Lettering and we were happy with the results.

If you would like to see other information regarding what we have learned about camping, check out our Camping Resources for New Teardrop Campers.
Where did you go to a sales dealer, we are looking into this as well, we have a Ford Focus not sure if that would pull also how many miles can you go in one day
We bought our teardrop at Southland RV. You would need to find the towing capacity for your Focus. You can drive as many miles as you feel like driving in a day. We usually limit it to six hours or less.