Retirement Expectations
Everyone knows as you get older, you are more likely to have health issues. I retired this year with goals of traveling and adopting a very heathy lifestyle as primary motivations for leaving the workforce. I loved working, but wanted to do so many other things. “Life is short, even in the longest days” to quote John Mellencamp. (Great song, by the way)
Our year started great, with both of us feeling good with trips to the gym each weekday. Our days were slow and leisurely. We had more time with family and to do those things around the house that we were always postponing. We planned trips in our tiny trailer and worked on ways to make it more functional. I began writing this blog.
Mild Health Issues
Just three weeks into the year, I developed a respiratory infection that kept reoccurring and then I got the flu. I was sick for three months with three separate episodes of fever over 101. There were times when I was getting better-before the times I was getting worse. During those better times, we were able to take a couple of preplanned trips, but had to cancel one. But I was not really well during any of this time and it was very frustrating. I felt like I would never be back to where I was before getting sick. Finally, a diagnosis of mild intermittent ashma and it came as a relief. Hopefully, next time I am sick I will be able to get medications to make me well.
We really love to travel. We bought our camper because it allowed us to travel as often as we liked because it is so inexpensive. While we did a good bit of traveling this year, we did not plan any big or long trips. My husband has a knee that has been very painful for several years. Many have told him how much knee replacement changed their quality of life. We planned for this to be the year to take care of that knee, so we spent a lot of time pursuing a knee replacement for him.
Seeking Knee Replacement
His orthopedic surgeon identified vein issues in his leg, which is why his leg always swells. The veins increase his risk of a blood clot with knee replacement, but the risk is less if the vein issue is addressed.
A vascular surgeon assessed him and an ultrasound identified a vein in his leg with a defective valve, technically called Venus Insufficiency. It allowed blood to flow down into his leg, but not back up. The pooling of blood in his leg caused it to swell. We scheduled an ablation procedure to stop blood from flowing into that vein. We did not expect a long, painful recovery time and we would schedule the knee replacement after vein surgery recovery.
My husband had the surgery and went home with no issues. He was also doing very well in his follow up visit.

An Unexpected Outcome
However, he had extreme pain in his chest a few days later and was spitting up blood. The E/R visit confirmed blood clots in his lungs (pulmonary embolism) and in his leg. This was a very serious complication and very painful. He had to stay in the hospital for three days while they administered heparin, a blood thinner, intravenously. They also had to manage his pain, which was very intense.
During the time in the E/R and the first day or so at the hospital, we were both very scared. We could not be certain a clot had not gone to his heart, which can be deadly. He hurt so bad, I think he must have felt he was dying. It was so hard to watch and not be able to stop it. They gave him very strong painkillers, but they only mildly relieved the pain.
Prayers of many were answered and he was remarkably better by the time we left the hospital and continues to get better every day. His lungs sustained some damage, but his doctors expect minimal impact when they heal.
Going Forward
I also have had some new health issues: a high heart rate during exercising and dizziness after working out. For awhile, I feared that something was wrong with my heart, but recent tests have not identified any issues. I still do not know the specific cause of my symptoms, but thankfully it is not related to my heart.
My husband and I have been sicker this year than we have ever been. It makes me acutely aware of the frailty of life. I am so grateful that we are now looking at full recovery from his recent health issues, though it is uncertain if he will be able to have the knee replacement surgery. I would love for him to get his knee fixed, but his life is more important than his mobility.
We have been married for thirty-one years and are fortunate they were very healthy years. This is our first year with so much illness but at this stage of our life, there is no doubt we will have others. I do not look forward to the sickness part of our marriage vow, but will definitely want to be there for that part as well.
Carpe Diem
Carpe diem is Latin for “seize the day”. It used in literature and poetry to urge one make the most of the present. It is especially relevant to me at this point in life.
Recent health issues have shown me not want to take anything for granted. I cherish each day that I can spend with my husband and our family. We may have many more good years or it could all come to a grinding halt in a heartbeat. We do not know the future, but should live each day knowing that it will not go on forever. I will try to do that.
Love and strength to you.
Thanks! We both are doing much better.
Hate hearing the struggles you both have had! Glad that you are on the mend and have such a great outlook. Wonderful message of the importance of love.
Thanks Colleen!