New York
This was our first camping in New York, but we visited New York City several years ago. First, we stopped for three nights in western New York near Niagara Falls. Second, we spent a couple days in central part of the state in the Finger Lake area. Our last stop for a couple of nights was in the southeastern corner near Hyde Park. Throughout it all, we saw quite a bit of the beautiful New York countryside.
A significant portion of our travel was on interstates and most, if not all, were toll roads. None of the toll stations were manned and they bill using your license plate. I expect we will be getting a sizable bill in the mail after we return home. There were many service center exits and exits for texting, which is not seen in our state.
As we drove close and parallel to the lakes, Lake Erie in particular, it was windy and driving felt uncomfortable. Big trucks passing coupled with the wind made it feel quite treacherous.
Grand Island
Grand Island is just a few miles south of Niagara Falls and we chose it for that reason. Our campground was Branches of Niagara and it was very nice. The bathhouse and laundry were immaculate and modern. We did our only laundry of the trip while there.
The weather was not very nice during our stay. It as overcast or raining most of the three days se were there, but the temperatures were mild.

Niagara Falls
We have long wanted to see Niagara Falls and it did not disappoint! The park is beautiful and very well maintained. The falls were incredible!
Our plan was to cross over into Canada as well, but it didn’t work out. I tried to get a sitter for our pup and did not have any luck. We could have left her for several hours in the crate, but we were not comfortable crossing the border under that circumstance. Also, the Covid test that would have gotten us across was $140 each. That seemed too much for just a couple of hours.

What we ended up doing was spectacular because we rode the Maid of the Mist. It is a ride in an electric boat that takes you right under the American and Canadian falls. We really felt the force and magnificence of nature under the falls. I don’t remember seeing my husband happier than he was on that ride. He said it was almost a religious experience.

Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Historic Site
Buffalo, New York was very near our campground. So, we took a day trip to see some of the sights. The actual house where Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in as president is a historic site. They did a re-enactment of the circumstances surrounding his taking office. It was quite dramatic because he was sworn in after President McKinley was assassinated.

The guide at the site provided a lot of information about the issues of the day and President Roosevelt’s demeanor. It was definitely worth a stop!

Manilus, New York
Manilus is located in what is known as the finger lake area. The area is very beautiful and there are many quite large, finger-shaped lakes. I chose this area because it was close to where we needed a stop on our route and the state park was highly-rated. Also, I like to book state parks when we visit new states.
Green Lakes State Park
Green Lakes State Park was awesome! The park was beautiful—clean, well-maintained, and nicely-landscaped. We had an amazing corner site with lots of grass around and well-shaded. Our electric site was only $35 a night. We did, however, have to be careful to select a pet site. I also had to show our pup’s vaccination record.

Se used our one free day to just enjoy the park. The two lakes at Green Lakes are a sight to behold. I personally think they should be called Blue Lakes because they are really more like the color of the Caribbean. The two glacial lakes are very deep and are products of the last ice age. The lake appears green because of the presence of calcium carbonate.
In the photo below, the chalky white areas are reefs comprised of living organisms called “microbialites”.
The park allows swimming in the lake from Memorial to Labor Day. One can also rent rowboats and kayaks.

There is a wonderful trail around the lake that is relatively flat and wide. My husband hiked it with me and it was a wonderful afternoon. We encountered these weird-looking mushrooms. I thought they were kinda cool.

Rhinebeck, New York
Rhinebeck is very near Hyde Park and we were there because we wanted to go to the nearby Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. The countryside there was very beautiful.
Interlake RV Park
Interlake was a very cute campground because it was very decorated for Halloween. We had full hookups for $63 a night.

We were just beginning to see some turning of the leaves during the last couple of days in September. The photo below was taken from an empty site in the campground.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
The FDR Library was our main reason for stopping at Reinbeck. We had a full day dedicated to seeing it but discovered that because of Covid reduced hours, it was closed that day.
Our day was spent instead in the camper while it rained heavily and in late afternoon walking the grounds of the library. We were also checking to see if we could tour it as we left the next day with trailer and Sophie in the parking lot. We knew she would be okay with windows open because the high temperature was forecasted to be in the low seventies.

The Roosevelt family home is also on the property, but was not available for tours. It appeared to be undergoing significant work. It was a grand old home for its time with an incredible view from the rear.

Careful planning made the strategy work. We had scoped out a corner of the parking lot and had sandwiches ready for lunch so we wouldn’t have to stop on the road to make up for the late start.
Entrance into the library required tickets and a specific time. We obtained the earliest possible tickets. They were for 11:30. So, we were able to spend about an hour and a half touring the library.

I learned that this was the first ever presidential library and the presidential office in the photo below is only office in a presidential library that was actively used by a president.

We also stopped by Val-Kill, which was Eleanor’s home for a number of years. The home was not open, but you could tour the property. It was nice to see.

The Great Lakes
We have now seen all five of the Great Lakes. Before this trip, Lakes Ontario and Erie were outstanding. While on a day trip to Buffalo, my husband and I drove to Wilkeson Pointe Park to see Lake Erie. It was a cold and very windy day, but I managed to put my hands in the water.

While camping at Branches of Niagara, we drove to Porter on the Lake Town Park to access Lake Ontario. It was getting close to dusk and the lake was quite beautiful.

In Conclusion
I never expected New York to be so beautiful. Two places we really wanted to visit on our trip, Niagara Falls and the FDR Library, are there and were the highlights of this long trip. Each stop in the state was different, yet very special.
Conversely, the worst thing thing on our trip also happened in New York. I got a ticket that will be almost $200 for taking a trailer on the Taconic Parkway. Evidently, everyone in New York knows that you can’t take a trailer on any “Parkway”, but this Alabama gal was oblivious to the rule.
Check out our adventures in other states on our page, States Visited, a Campsite Resource.
Enjoy the ride, guys!