The vegetable for this week’s Good Friends Good Food recipes is tomatoes. I really love tomatoes and grilled tomatoes are a favorite in our house. In the past, I have made them on the grill and in the oven. However, I suspected they would be really quick and easy in the air fryer. This proved to be correct. They were so easy to make that the air fryer will be my preferred method of cooking going forward.
Air Fryer Cooking
I have only had my air fryer for five months, but it is a very good small appliance for lots of different foods. After much research, I settled on the Ninja Air Fryer. So far, I have been really pleased with this brand and model.
A few things about grilling tomatoes in the air fryer to keep in mind:
- There is no need to preheat the fryer for tomatoes.
- There is certainly no need to heat up your kitchen with a big oven.
- No oil or grease is needed in the fryer because the bottom of the tomatoes are oiled and this prevents sticking.
- Above all, the cooking basket and tray can be put into the dishwasher. I love this benefit of the air fryer.
- The tomatoes can be touching without impacting results.
- The cooking time can vary based upon the thickness and level of ripeness of the tomatoes.

Grilled Tomatoes, The Recipe
3-4 Tomatoes, washed and cut into halves
Olive Oil, approx 2 Tbsp
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Dried Basil, to taste
Garlic Powder, to taste
Dried Chives, to taste
Optional: Parmesan Cheese or Breadcrumbs
Use a brush to liberally spread olive oil on bottom and top of each tomato half. Next, place the tomatoes in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Sprinkle salt, pepper, dried basil, garlic powder, and dried chives as thick or as light as desired.
After that, cook at 350 degrees for 15- 20 minutes. Because tomatoes vary in size and ripeness, check on how the tomatoes are progressing at 15 minutes. They should be soft and lightly browned.
If adding optional cheese or breadcrumbs, add during the last five minutes of cooking.
My Grilled Tomatoes
I omitted adding cheese or breadcrumbs because we are on a special one-week diet. But, they were still marvelous!

Good Friends Good Food Blogs
Margaret’s Tomato, Sausage & Eggplant Soup
Nancy’s Tomato and Cheese Cobbler
Ulrike’s Baked Aubergine with Pasta and Tomatoes
In Conclusion
I certainly recommend grilled tomatoes in the air fryer. I hope you give them a try.
Moreover, if interested in other vegetables that I have cooked with Good Friends Good Food, check out my page, Vegetables with Good Friends, Good Food. I will be updating the page with each new vegetable. The next vegetable is zucchini!
Happy Cooking Everyone!