Our second year of camping has gone by so quickly. Our teardrop is a NuCamp 2017 T@G MAX XL and it has served us so well! This post is a summary of the miles we have traveled in the past year and the teardrop modification we have made.
Second Year Camping Trips
We only took six camping trips this past year, which does not sound like a lot for a retired couple. However, two were monthlong trips and one included three stops. We hauled our teardrop 10,451 miles—three times the miles traveled in our first year. We revisited three nearby states, but also camped in thirteen new states. Our hope is to eventually camp in every state.
The trips included 36 different campgrounds and 75 nights away from home. We were inexperienced newbies when we began camping two years ago. Now, I think of us as seasoned campers.
Below are links to the plans for our two monthlong trips. Our first one was out west during the winter and the second was a summer trip north. Those trips were so amazing!
Summer Camping, Planning a Long Summer Trip
Teardrop Modification
Our camper is so well designed that we have not needed much in the way of teardrop modification. Our mods were really just minor changes to increase comfort and functionality of the camper.
Heater Stand
This may not technically be considered a modification because everything is removable. We needed a heater for our winter trip out west; so we purchased a Honeywell HCE 100B Heat Bud Ceramic Heater. It has tip over protection, but we soon realized that we would need a stable surface for it to operate. A Facebook user had posted photos of a stand for a heater and my husband built one that was similar. The stand has proven to work very well.

The holes on the back panel enable the stand to rest very securely upon the door handles. There is a hole in the bottom panel for the cord to flow through to the electrical outlet. Lastly, there are two piano hinge to allow the stand to lay flat for easier storage in the cabinet when unused.

An added bonus, the stand works great for holding tablets that are being charged when there is no need for a heater.
Under Camper Storage Container
We needed a place to store my husband’s shoes and the inspiration for this teardrop modification came from another post on a Facebook group. It required drilling holes below the bed and mounting a track in which a plastic box can slide.

This has worked well for the shoes. We store the bin in the cabin when we travel. We were concerned that we might forget to remove it when the camper is being pulled, but so far, so good.
Mesh Net Door Storage
We like to watch TV or DVDs before sleeping and I am the keeper of remotes. Before we did this teardrop modification, I was often searching for them. We have seen that other T@G owners have made this mod and at the rally in Ohio, we learned NüCamp is now installing mesh storage on the doors of new units. I love this mod!

We used Velcro, but noticed the factory was using screws to attach the mesh pockets.

When the door is closed, the storage pocket is just above the bed. We installed these on both sides.

Storage Behind Television
This is another modification that many owners have made that is also included at the factory on new models. It involved removing the panel and putting hinges on the door. My husband finished the inside with particle board for ventilation purposes.

Window Rail Brushes
We learned that nüCamp will provide rail brushes for the windows to prevent bugs from coming in. You have to install them, but it is not difficult. We obtained them at no charge from the parts department.
We really saw the need for them earlier this year while camping in an area that was overrun by mosquitoes. SW Trip, Stop #2 Sea Rim State Park in Texas

The photo below shows the side of the window without the rail brushes.

The rail brushes installed below should be effective in keeping out insects.

Our T&G has been wonderful this last year! The modifications we made primarily added a little more storage in key areas and we are happy with them.
In this next year, we are considering getting a bigger camper. The nüCamp 400 will likely be the replacement. However, it is hard for me to imagine loving any other camper as much as Endeavor.
Our reasons are simple. We now know how much we love to travel and are willing to take it to a higher level to have something that provides comfortable daytime space inside.
We will keep you posted!