üCamp 18
The second üCamp rally was held in July 2018 in Sugarcreek, Ohio, at Winklepleck Grove Campground. Approximately 160 sites were filled with tiny trailers from all over the United States and Canada. The largest number of campers represented was the T@B 320, but there were also at least twenty each T@B 400s and T@Gs. We own a T@G MAX XL and were excited to see so many other tiny campers.

Winklepeck Grove Campground
Winklepeck is a primitive campground in a large shady grove. It is beautiful, but does not have flush toilets or showers. However, nüCamp brought in two shower trailers and a large number of VIP portable toilets. The portable toilets were okay until the last day before they pumped them. So we were going into town and using the public restrooms near the fire station on that day.
The campground split the electricity among two campers for each site and it split the water as well. However, we had all that we needed, including running the air conditioner and microwave.

Rally Activities
There were many fun things to do during the rally, but it seemed that everyone’s favorite was to walk the campground and meet fellow nüCamp trailer owners. Also, it was cool to talk with those who had the same size camper and see their modifications and how they were using theirs. Lastly, it was nice to see the larger models and maybe even consider an upgrade.
Several meals were provided, plus great entertainment the last night featuring two local sisters called Kodachrome Babies. They were very good and sang some amazing oldies.

Factory Tour
The highlight of the trip was the tour of the factory so we could see how these tiny trailers are made.

The factory is in the heart of Amish country and many of the employees are Amish. The quality of the work is evident and well-recognized within the industry.

We were on the second tour. Scott Hubble, the CEO, gave a presentation at the beginning of the tour about the history of the company and its current initiatives. He then answered questions. After his presentation, he turned everyone loose to explore the facility. Our friends told us that Joe Mullet, the founder and President of the company, gave the first tour. They said he shared about his personal struggles at the beginning of the company.
The factory was immaculate and seemed very well organized. We left with an even stronger impression that this organization really cares about its customers and making a quality product.
In my opinion, üCamp 18 was a huge success. It was a well-organized and a thoroughly enjoyable event. We were sad to leave this wonderful gathering of tiny camper owners. Many had commented to us that this trip was the highlight of their year and I would have to agree.

Mandy Lea is a well-known photographer who has lived in several nüCamp trailers and has produced YouTube videos about them. She presented the large panoramic picture below to the Company’s leadership on the last night and had some beautiful things to say about them.

So we loved üCamp 18 and hope to be there again next year! If you would like to follow us, here is a link.